Media Studies

Lead Teacher:  Mr R. Mahon

In the 21st Century we are inundated with media messages. The evolution of the digital age means Media is becoming ever more prevalent to businesses, industries and our day to day lives. It is fascinating to explore how this effects our thoughts, behaviours and feelings in society.

Students have the opportunity to select Media Studies as one of their GCSE subject, and study the course throughout years 10 and 11.

Key Stage 4

Media Studies follows the Eduqas syllabus to equip students with the tools needed to interpret and critically analyse messages being disseminated to a variety of audiences from a variety of media. The four key concepts students will focus on are; media language, audience, representation, and industries.

It is growing increasingly important to understand and debate media messages, their purpose, context, impacts and significance. Students will apply their theoretical learnings to analyse newspapers, posters, magazines, adverts, radio, video games, television, film and more! Once students are confident in their knowledge and understanding of media products they will be able to create their own media in line with specific aims such as genre, style, audience etc.

For a more detailed explanation of the GCSE course and assessment format please click  here.

For a more detailed breakdown of the curriculum please see the Curriculum Overview and more details can also be found in the Curriculum Booklet.