Policies & Documents

Please find below a selection of our key policies.

Please contact the school’s main reception via email enquiries@sta.islington.sch.uk or in person to request a paper copy of our policies or any other information featured on our website.

  1. Admissions Policy 2023-24
  2. Admissions Policy 2024-25
  3. Admissions Policy 2025-26
  4. Anti - bullying policy 22-23
  5. Appeals Against Internal Assessment of Work Policy 2023
  6. Attendance Policy 2022-23
  7. Behaviour inc Drugs policy 2023
  8. Behaviour Policy Addendum 2021
  9. Capability Policy and procedure Nov 2022
  10. Careers & Work Experience Policy April 22
  11. CCTV Policy 2022 2023
  12. Charging and Remissions Policy 2019
  13. Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy 2023
  14. Complaints Procedure 2021
  15. Controlled Assessment Policy 2022
  16. Curriculum Policy 2023
  17. Data Protection Policy 2023
  18. Data Retention Management policy 2023
  19. Declaration of Interest 2022
  20. Designated teacher for looked after children policy April 23
  21. E Safety Online including Acceptable Usage Policy 22-23
  22. Early Careers Teacher (ECT) induction policy 22-23
  23. Educational Visits Policy April 22
  24. Equality, Disability and Inclusion Policy 2023
  25. Escalation Policy April 2022
  26. Examinations Adjustment Policy April 2022
  27. Examination Access Arrangements Policy
  28. Exams Archiving Policy 2023
  29. Examinations Contingency Policy April 22
  30. Examinations Fire Evacuation Procedure. April 22
  31. Examinations Lockdown Policy April 22
  32. Examinations Procedures for Invigilators April 2022
  33. Exams Policy April 2022
  34. Exclusion Policy 2021
  35. Fire Evacuation Procedures Policy 2023-24
  36. First Aid Policy 2022-23
  37. Freedom of Information Policy 22-23
  38. Home School Agreement
  39. Homework Setting, Marking & Feedback Policy 2022
  40. ICT Disaster Recovery Plan 2022 23
  41. Lettings Policy 2022-23
  42. Managing Medical Conditions in School Policy 2022
  43. Managing Medicines LA Policy
  44. Mobile Phone Policy 2021 22
  45. Parents Consent forms for taking and using photos & films 22 23
  46. Personal-Development-Policy 2021-23
  47. Premises Management policy 2022
  48. Privacy Notice for Covid-19 Testing 2023
  49. Privacy Notice for Governors and Volunteers 2023
  50. Privacy notice for Job Applicants 2023
  51. Privacy notice for pupils 2023
  52. Privacy notice for parents and carers school 2023
  53. Privacy notice for school workforce 2023
  55. Provider Access Policy 22-23
  56. PSHE Policy
  57. Public Sector Equality Duty Jan 22
  58. Record Management Policy and Retention Schedule
  59. Relationships & Sex Education Policy April 22
  60. Remote learning policy Apr 2022
  62. SAC Health Safety & COSHH Policy 2021-2024
  63. Safeguarding and child protection policy2023
  64. Safer Recruitment Policy 2022
  65. Safer Working visitors Protocols
  66. Safer Working Visitors Protocols Covid-19
  67. School Emergency Management Plan STA 2022
  68. School Security Policy 2022
  69. SEND Information Report 2022-23
  70. SEND Policy Oct 2023
  71. Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in school Policy 21
  72. Sixth Form Bursary Policy Jan 2022
  73. Social Distancing Policy Statement St A 2021
  74. Special Consideration Policy April 22
  75. Staff Code of Conduct Policy inc Acceptable Use of Technology Feb 22
  76. Students Consent forms for taking and using photos & videos 22 23
  77. Target setting, Assessment and Reporting Policy Oct 2023
  78. Teaching and Learning Policy 2021
  79. Teaching and Learning Policy Sept 22 (1)
  80. Video & Photography Use permission 2023
  81. Whistle Blowing Policy 2022
  82. Word Processor in Examinations Policy April 22