Exam Information

Examinations are a crucial part of education for all students. The process can be a stressful and worrying time, however the key to a successful exam period is to be prepared, understand what is expected of you, revise well and do the best you can.

As a school, we are bound by very strict examination rules; failure to follow these rules can have severe consequences. Ultimately, breaching these rules could result in a student being disqualified from an exam and receiving zero marks. It is very important that students read the following rules and guidance so that students know what to expect and what is expected. At St Aloysius we implement these rules for all examinations from year 7 onwards so that students are well versed in exam conditions and expectations by their GCSE and A-Level exams.

Knowing when exams are will be vital to successful planning and revision. Students will be given your Individual Candidate Timetable in advance of the exam period, it is vitally important that students check that all their subjects have an exam entry. Candidate timetables will tell students the dates and times of their exams, it will also show the candidate name as it will appear on their certificates and their date of birth. It is each student's responsibility to ensure that these details are correct. It is difficult, and costly, to have certificates changed once they are issued. If students have any worries regarding individual subjects, they should always speak to their teacher for advice and support and to find out when any revision classes are taking place.


Bringing the correct equipment to exams is each student's responsibility. Below is a list of equipment and prohibited items that are applicable to ALL exams.

Essential Equipment

  • Clear, see-through pencil case. A clear sandwich bag or plastic wallet is an acceptable alternative.
  • 2 black pens
  • 2 pencils
  • Sharpener
  • Rubber
  • Ruler

Additional Items

Teachers will advise students on what specific equipment they will need for certain exams. This may include, but is not limited to;




Some Maths, Science, Business Studies, Geography or Economics

Compass, Protractor, Set Square


Coloured Pencils

Design & Technology, Media Studies

Students may also bring;

  • A bottle of water – clear bottle with no labels or writing.
  • Highlighter – to highlight key text in the question paper, must NOT be used on answer booklet
  • A wrist watch – must NOT be a smart watch. Must be removed from wrist and placed on your desk.

Prohibited Items

Bringing these items into an examination will result in severe consequence, such as disqualification.

  • Notes
  • Correcting pens , fluid or tape such as Tippex or similar
  • Erasable pens
  • Gel pens
  • Any technological, web enabled or data storage advice, including;
    • Mobile phones
    • MP3 player, iPod or similar
    • MP4 player, iPad, tablet device or similar
    • A smart watch 

Taking these items into an exam room, even if they are switched off or you do not intend to use them, may result in penalty or disqualification.

General Rules

  • Students are expected to wear school uniform for exams. Sixth Formers must adhere to their dress code.
  • Be on time for all exams. Students must be present at school 30 minutes before the exam start time. This is so that all candidates can be registered, check equipment, be seated and receive exam instructions.
  • Do not talk to, try to communicate with or disturb other candidates whilst in the exam room.
  • Do not leave the exam room unless you have the permission of and are accompanied by an invigilator. Students will not be allowed to return and complete their exam if they leave the exam room unaccompanied.
  • Write clearly and in black ink.

For further general advice and guidance please read ChildLine’s booklet: