Aspirations Evening Success!

This week we held an Aspirations Evening, encouraging students across all year groups to consider their future ambitions and their pathways to success. Volunteers from a variety of renowned organisations, including AXA, PricewaterhouseCoopers, NHS, and Network Rail, and higher education establishments, such as UCL, Yale and Durham University, offered their knowledge and guidance to our students and their parents!
Statistics show that students who have multiple encounters with professionals throughout their education have a greater chance of reaching their aspirations. The evening provided an opportunity for students to consider a variety of job roles, their personal ambitions and pathways to achieve their goals by interviewing professionals on their job role, employment history, academic background, keys to success and knowledgeable advice!
Feedback from students was incredibly positive.
I found the careers evening very interesting and helpful as I was able to gain knowledge regarding different career paths and choices. I was especially happy that I was able to learn more about my preferred career choice (sports journalism) and met an expert in the field who was willing to advise me, as well as giving me her contact details for further support
- Charlie, Year 11
I found the Aspirations Evening very useful as volunteers had a diverse range of jobs which aided my thought process towards my future and capability to comprehend what the future is all about. The evening was great! Thank you to Miss Kienzel and other teachers for this great idea. Another plus was that it was almost one to one talks with careers advisors.
- Kiarn, Year 11
Students and staff are exceptionally grateful to all the professionals for sharing their time and invaluable advice to inspire our students! We also extend our thanks to Ms Kienzel, Ms Goodhart, Mr Egan and others for organising such a beneficial event!
We are already looking forward to the next aspirations event!