Young entrepreneurs shine in London business contest

The collaboration with partnering Channing School is bearing fruit.
Four Year 12 students are part of the Young Enterprise programme, in which they work in teams to set up and run their own small business. 'Together with 7 students from Channing school, we have created the company Tealightful,' participant Shahir explains. 'Our company makes 100% handmade soy wax candles in teacups.'
On Monday 22nd April, Tealightful took part in a showcase in the City of London, and walked away with not just one, but three accolades: North London Finalists, Best Marketing Company and North London Runners-Up. They are now through to the finals and, needless to say, we wish them the best of luck on their exciting journey as a budding enterprise!
Picture courtesy of Channing School.