Exciting News – St. Aloysius' College to welcome Girls to Year 7 this September

We are delighted to announce that the Office of the School’s Adjudicator has officially confirmed that St. Aloysius College can welcome girls to Year 7 from September 2025!
We sincerely thank you for your patience while awaiting a decision. This marks a new and exciting chapter for our school and we are looking forward to welcoming our first mixed Year 7 cohort in September 2025.
If you would like to submit or update your application for a place in Year 7 in September 2025, please contact your Local Authority schools admissons department to amend your school preferences by October 31st, 2024 naming St Aloysius College as your first preference. If you have any other queries, please email enquiries@sta.islington.sch.uk or phone the school on 0207 561 7800. Please remember that all applications are welcome whether of faith or not.
I look forward to welcoming you and your son/daughter to St. Aloysius College.