Aloysius Sixth Former part of the Coronation parade
A royal pole position for a St Aloysius' pupil.
Our Year 12 BTEC sports student Louis Edwards experienced the King's #coronation last weekend first hand: he took part as a member of the London Fire Cadets, ceremonial operational display team. "We had a viewing platform at the far end of the Mall, where we were the last to see King Charles III before he began travelling to Westminster Abbey", he reports. And it didn't stop there: "We were also the first group to see the King, and the rest of the royal family, return to the Mall after being crowned." Louis is pictured here holding a medallion he received after being part of a parade at the Old Royal Naval College to celebrate the King's coronation on Monday. A truly unforgettable bank holiday weekend for Louis, and we congratulate him on his dedication and sense of service.Please enter some content for your news story here.